When the waves get too high, when the tide gets too strong, when the best moments never seem to last very long.
When you don't know what happened, when you don't know what's real, when you really can't figure out how you feel. When the sun gets too hot, when the night gets too black, when you're no longer sure you have the strength to fight back. When the ground feels too weak, when it all falls apart, when that arrow hits you right in your heart. When you can't find your smile, when you've lost all control, when the darkness starts to take over your soul. When the sky starts to fall, when the earth starts to quake, when your heart beats too fast, when your hands start to shake. When the castle starts to crack, and the king takes his fall, when you realize you don't know who you are at all....
I can't take credit for this and I'm not sure who wrote it, but this is an awesome way to live your life.
TRY IT!!! I really need to stop being so nice to people.. I think it's starting to make me look weak.
The thing is, I just like seeing people smile, and I don't like seeing people sad. The problem is, I'm not smiling anymore, and I don't like being sad. It's unfortunate, but what they say is true, nice guys finish last. And even tho I'm sure in the beginning it will probably make me feel even worse, I'll adapt like I always do. And it will get easier, and I'll be stronger. My people who are true to me, I will always be there. My FAMILY.. they know who they are, and if they have to question it, they're not family. And that's how it is now. And that's how it's gonna go. See I have this problem where I think people are my friends, or that they care about me 😂😂 it's really pretty funny, it's like I live some fantasy life. People with good hearts need to protect them. So I'll keep making posts about smiling and being happy, and positive, because I like to read them, and I like to see who else responds. I'm doing something good, and I know someone smiled just for a second when they read it. But they smiled. To me when someone asks me how my day is, it's like getting your favorite present on Christmas morning. It's a great feeling. And every single day I ask almost every one I know how they are, how their day is going, if they're smiling... And I can't even tell you the last time someone actually asked me how my day was... And that's just how I'm feeling right now... Sometimes having a day off means just taking a moment to relax and hangout with your best friend, there is nothing more beautiful.
I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm choosing to be happy and smile every single day no matter what happens.
There are a lot of things in my life that put me down on a daily basis. Everyone goes through struggles every day, but how we choose to react is up to us. From now on I will do everything in my power to choose to be happy and make the best of whatever situation I'm in. It is what it is, and that's it! I am turning a new leaf. I'm going to follow my heart from now on, and I'm not going to allow anyone or anything to take my joy from me. I really am the most fun, down to earth, laid back person that I could think of. And lately that part of me has been lost. Well I found it !!!! Welcome back ME! Lol 🤘 You ever just wake up and feel like today is the day?
If you wake up feeling that way, use it to your advantage. Find a way to keep that feeling going all day long. Keep reminding yourself that you ARE the shit. You ARE a beautiful amazing person. You CAN do anything you WANT to do. If you are like me, this feeling is sometimes very rare. My best advice to you is to take it as far as you possible can, and hold onto every moment of it. And if something happens that dims that feeling, get as far away from it as you possible can. REFOCUS Find out what it is that puts a smile on your face and choose to take that feeling back!!!! NO ONE can make you feel anything, unless you allow them to! This week was rough, definitely tested me on every possible level. I'm glad it's almost over.
However, I feel that i have handled every situation that came up with a clear mind, and to the best of my ability. And I've learned that I've grown to be more patient, calm, organized, and just much stronger in general. I honestly am so proud of myself, and I feel like I really can handle anything that is thrown at me by simply taking a step back, a deep breath, and doing what I feel is the right thing. And as long as I do that, and make every decision with a clear mind, I will be ok with whatever the outcome is. Once again I've proven to myself that my strength is un real. And I truly feel like a different person, I feel like someone who really can make a difference, someone who WILL succeed. 🤗🤗
The difference I've seen in myself over these past 6 months is truly unbelievable. I am so much different than I was 6 months ago. I'm stronger, im more calm, im better at everything that I do. I've learned how to handle my emotions, how to handle certain situations, how to stay true to myself. When I say something now, or set a goal for myself, I make sure to keep myself committed. Keep myself focused. I smile more, I feel better. I feel stronger.
I've learned so much about myself this past year. I've grown stronger in every aspect of my life. I've learned how to control my reactions, my emotions. I've learned to take a step back and evaluate every situation that I'm in, and calm my mind enough to make mature decision. To not be so impulsive, to not just explode. Things aren't as overwhelming to me as they once were. I've learned to completely control myself as a person, and most important I've learned that I can control myself. And that I'm the only one who really can. And if I'm in a state of mind which I feel isn't good enough to make a decision, no matter how big or small, I just don't make any decision. I wait until I at least have a calm mind and am thinking clearly. It's amazing really. I never thought I would be the person I am right now. I was out of control, my life was out of control. I was absolutely miserable. And unhappy. I'm happy today.. there are still stressful situations in my every day life. But that's life. Everyone has stress in their life. Everyone has bad days. And that's ok, as long as it doesn't turn into a bad month, or a bad year. It's all about how you choose to deal with your stress. And what you allow to take up space in your mind. Choose happiness ✌🏻 |
AuthorLaura DeSimone Archives
July 2017