You ever just wake up and feel like today is the day?
If you wake up feeling that way, use it to your advantage. Find a way to keep that feeling going all day long. Keep reminding yourself that you ARE the shit. You ARE a beautiful amazing person. You CAN do anything you WANT to do. If you are like me, this feeling is sometimes very rare. My best advice to you is to take it as far as you possible can, and hold onto every moment of it. And if something happens that dims that feeling, get as far away from it as you possible can. REFOCUS Find out what it is that puts a smile on your face and choose to take that feeling back!!!! NO ONE can make you feel anything, unless you allow them to!
This week was rough, definitely tested me on every possible level. I'm glad it's almost over.
However, I feel that i have handled every situation that came up with a clear mind, and to the best of my ability. And I've learned that I've grown to be more patient, calm, organized, and just much stronger in general. I honestly am so proud of myself, and I feel like I really can handle anything that is thrown at me by simply taking a step back, a deep breath, and doing what I feel is the right thing. And as long as I do that, and make every decision with a clear mind, I will be ok with whatever the outcome is. Once again I've proven to myself that my strength is un real. And I truly feel like a different person, I feel like someone who really can make a difference, someone who WILL succeed. 🤗🤗 |
AuthorLaura DeSimone Archives
July 2017