I found this video on Facebook and I wanted to share it with you because it touched my soul. It's a young boy explaining how he was made fun of for wearing shoes that weren't the "cool" shoes to wear. But he didn't care because he liked his shoes. It really blew my mind.
When I was younger I wore VANS slip on shoes every day. I owned every color and every style you could think of, and I didn't care what everyone else was wearing because that's what I liked. That's what I thought was cool. I thought it was really corny that all these girls wore skater shoes, or converse high tops, and they knew nothing about skating or punk/ska music. They just wore them because everyone else did. I never wanted to be fake. And I wasn't going to wear something I didn't like just because that's what the "cool kids" wore. I wore VANS and jeans and band tees every day. Anyway check out this video... www.facebook.com/DailyMail/videos/1415142538545490/
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Becoming one with yourself...
Once you become one with yourself, no matter where you are, what you do, or who your with, you will never be alone. No one will ever love you as much as you can love yourself. It took me a very long time to get to where I am right now. I never really loved myself. I've been doing some serious SOUL SEARCHING.. it usually happens for me around this time every year. I'm not sure if it's because my birthday is this month, but i don't question it anymore. Every year right before i turn another year older, I have a huge epiphany. I think about the past year of my life and i try to sort it out. I try to figure out what I did, who i was with, and who I wasn't. And then I look at all of the decisions I made the past year, and try to sort out the good from the bad. I choose today to live my life with no regrets. I believe every decision we make is for a reason, even the ones that maybe caused us pain, or suffering. But I try to focus now one the ones that brought me peace and happiness. This year has been no less hectic for me than the past few years. I honestly can't even believe the amount of change that took place in my life this past year. It's insane really.. but once again it all made me stronger, more focused, and more experienced with the reality of life. The reality of change. When your in a bad mood for no reason, it's worse than being in a bad mood for an actual reason. Everyone has those mornings when they wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And then you get up and stub your toe. And now your even more pissed. And then you spill your coffee, and then you can't find your keys. And then your hair won't dry right, And then you pluck out too many eyebrow hairs. And then you have no clean clothes to wear to work. And then it's hot out, And then you have to go to work. And sometimes all this horrible stuff happens to you before 9 am. Lol. REALIZE the second you wake up that your in a bad mood. And when you stub your toe and spill your coffee, try to slow down a little bit. Relax. Just for a minute get your thoughts together. Think about your plan for your day. And change your mood before you spend the whole day miserable. Word of advice, you can just choose to be happy instead. Look at everything I just wrote about. And if your one of these people, like me.. Then realize how ridiculous that looks when you read it. It's so stupid. But it really ruins your whole day sometimes. DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. I promise you you will have bigger problems to deal with then your hair looking like shit. Toss that shit up in a pony tail and forget about it. Stop plucking your eyebrows before you have none left. SLOW DOWN. Just STOP. The world we live in today is so rushed.. Everyone's always rushing to go nowhere. I don't know if anyone else feels this way but if I wake up late, I automatically have a bad day. I hate rushing. It gives me anxiety. If your late, your late. It is what it is. If you spill your coffee, clean it up! and keep it moving. All these problems, that's the small stuff. For real, your in a bad mood ALL day because you woke up and stubbed your toe!?!? That's so dumb. Lol. It happens to me all the time. But this morning i got up and stubbed my toe, and then got in my car and went to wawa and spilled my coffee everywhere at 7 am. And I was really mad for a second, and then I just laughed. I'm growing. I read something once I wish I could find it but basically it was about tricking your mind. And when awful stuff happens, like the small stuff I mean.. tell yourself you meant for that to happen. I meant to stub my toe. I meant to spill my coffee all over my car and my clean clothes for work. I meant to pluck all my eyebrows off. It really sounds so stupid. But like it actually kind of works. Try it. I'm gonna try to find the thing I read and post it. Don't be in a mad mood for no reason. It's just not worth the extra stress 😁 and I know for a fact I'm not the only one that does this. Just change your face and throw that smile back on. Even if you have to remind yourself every 5 seconds that you look like a miserable b**** and you need to smile. Do it. It works. and eventually you just start smiling. I worked a 14 hour shift yesterday and it was by far the worst day I've had so far at my new job. And I left there exhausted, dirty, and tired. But I was still smiling. Don't let anything or anyone steal your happiness. It's yours. Hold on to it with everything you got 💕 Welcome to the blog! This is the first post.
AuthorLaura DeSimone Archives
July 2017