The difference I've seen in myself over these past 6 months is truly unbelievable. I am so much different than I was 6 months ago. I'm stronger, im more calm, im better at everything that I do. I've learned how to handle my emotions, how to handle certain situations, how to stay true to myself. When I say something now, or set a goal for myself, I make sure to keep myself committed. Keep myself focused. I smile more, I feel better. I feel stronger.
I've learned so much about myself this past year. I've grown stronger in every aspect of my life. I've learned how to control my reactions, my emotions. I've learned to take a step back and evaluate every situation that I'm in, and calm my mind enough to make mature decision. To not be so impulsive, to not just explode. Things aren't as overwhelming to me as they once were. I've learned to completely control myself as a person, and most important I've learned that I can control myself. And that I'm the only one who really can. And if I'm in a state of mind which I feel isn't good enough to make a decision, no matter how big or small, I just don't make any decision. I wait until I at least have a calm mind and am thinking clearly. It's amazing really. I never thought I would be the person I am right now. I was out of control, my life was out of control. I was absolutely miserable. And unhappy. I'm happy today.. there are still stressful situations in my every day life. But that's life. Everyone has stress in their life. Everyone has bad days. And that's ok, as long as it doesn't turn into a bad month, or a bad year. It's all about how you choose to deal with your stress. And what you allow to take up space in your mind. Choose happiness ✌🏻 |
AuthorLaura DeSimone Archives
July 2017